Analysis of the effectiveness of modern methods of increasing creativity in the group.

Петр Петрович Попов, Полина Геннадьевна Бондарева


The article considers a number of techniques and ways to increase creativity in a group, and presents their comparative characteristics. It reflects on the following questions: why do certain methods of increasing creativity appear to be more popular today? Which one is the most effective for working in a group? Do the methods have analogues and intersections? How are techniques developed and perfected over time? How could the method’s application impact the quality of the product of group work?

The purpose of the study is to assess the creativity of the product obtained as a result of the application of a number of modern methods of increasing creativity in the group. The objective of the research objectives is the development of a system of criteria for the creativity of the product of the working group; identification of the most effective techniques for enhancing creativity. The subject of the research is methods of increasing creativity in a group. The object of the research is the members of the working creative problems solving group. The sample consisted of students of a higher educational institution 20 - 30 years old, receiving education in the specialty "Marketologist", "Advertising specialist". The total number of participants is 30. Scientific novelty. The article presents a system of techniques for increasing the overall level of product creativity in the field of advertising communication. The applied value of the research is to determine the most effective methods of increasing creativity in the group for solving practical problems.

Ключевые слова

creativity, level of creativity, methods of increasing creativity, group.

Полный текст:



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Wilcoxon, F. (1945). Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics, 1, 80-83

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